Value for money

Lack of an adequate human resources means that the impact of capacity development cannot be measured, so:o The value of the human resource is underestimated;

The Sector’s 2003 Rural Water and Sanitation Issue Paper raised the valid concern that the money being spent on capacity building may or may not have the same impact on services as investment in direct implementation. Issues of sustainability of the human resource and the sustainability of the physical infrastructure are interrelated. The importance of communities is well recognised, but again, what level of investment is cost-effective? The quantity of investment has to be closely related to the quality of the investment.

Concerns about capacity development expenditure

“… capacity building has to be effective and well coordinated. USD 27 million can easily be wasted in training programmes, workshops and seminars of little use and where the bulk of the cost is spent on allowances, food and conference facilities. This is the real challenge; i.e. to provide relevant cost-effective training, eventually resulting in the assumed sustainability improvements. A certain amount spent on a training programme requires a lot more personnel resources than the same amount being spent on hardware.”(JSR Rural Sector Issue Paper (2003))

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