Water Engineering and Development Centre
Please find below some selected publications, reports and conference papers relating to this theme.
COATES, SUE; REED, BRIAN; FISHER, JULIE (2005) Capacity development: making the investment count in Uganda WELL Country Note 13.1 WEDC/WELL Loughborough University, UK
REED, BJ, COATES, S, ODHIAMBO, F, KAYAGA, S (2011) Training for real: matching employer needs to training supply, Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers - Municipal Engineer, 164(ME4), pp.269-278.
REED, BJ, COATES, S, MALE, V, RUGUMAYO, A (2003) Training for Real: Advancing Capacity Building Strategy and Practice in the Uganda Water and Sanitation Sector, pp.0-1, WEDC, Loughborough University.
KAYAGA, S., MUGABI, J. AND KINGDOM, W. (2013) 'Evaluating the institutional sustainability of an urban water utility: a conceptual framework and research directions', Utilities Policy, 27, pp.15-27.
GOMME, J, MALE, V, REED, BJ (2002) Developing a Capacity Building Framework and Funding Mechanism for NGOs and CBOs in the Water and Sanitation Sector in Uganda, pp.0-1, WELL Task 2099.
REED, BRIAN; COATES, SUE 2007 Developing engineers and technicians: Notes on giving guidance to engineers and technicians on how infrastructure can meet the needs of men and women WEDC Loughborough, UK.
SANSOM K.R. AND COATES S. (2011) 'Developing competences for water utility change programmes', Proceedings of the Institution of Civil Engineers, Municipal Engineer Journal issue ME4, pages 259-268.
KAYAGA, SM, ODHIAMBO, FO, REED, BJ, COATES, S, EPITU, J (2007) Towards a Sector-wide Framework for Capacity Development: the 'Training for Real' Project for Uganda. In IWA International Conference on Water Management and Technology Applications in Developing Countries, Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
REED, BJ, COATES, S, MALE, V, RUGUMAYO, A (2005) The inception phase of Training for Real in Uganda. In Maximizing the benefits from water and environmental sanitation, Kampala, Uganda, pp.243-246.
REED, BJ AND COATES, S (2009) Maximizing the benefits of training engineers about gender. In EWB-UK Research Conference, Royal Academy of Engineering.
REED, B (2012) How green is my project? Developing a curriculum for environmental education of civil engineers. In , EE 2012 - International Conference on Innovation, Practice and Research in Engineering Education, Conference Proceedings.
REED, BJ (2012) Developing global text books for global engineers. In Changing Course: The Global Dimension to Engineering Education, UCL, London, pp.62-65.