Water Engineering and Development Centre
Author(s): Jones, Hazel | Reed, Bob
Publisher: WEDC
Collection(s): WEDC Bookshop
Price: £19.95
ISBN: 9781843800903
Over 500 million people in the world are disabled, for whom access to sanitation and safe water is a daily struggle. This problem also affects many other vulnerable groups, and is a major contributing factor to poverty. The Millennium Development Goals will therefore be difficult to achieve equitably without addressing the needs of disabled and other vulnerable people.
Based on three years of international research, this book and CD-rom fills a significant gap in knowledge. The main focus is on facilities for families in rural and peri-urban areas of low- and middle-income countries. It should be of interest to water and sanitation sector planners and service providers, organisations providing disability services, and disabled people's organisations.
Additional related materials and an image library are also included on this pc compact disk. See links listed below.
See also the book Water and Sanitation for Disabled People and Other Vulnerable Groups.
Bangladesh | Bathing facilities | Cambodia | Case studies | Disability | Hand pumps | Latrines | Personal hygiene | Tibet | Toilet hygiene | Uganda | Visual aids