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Water Engineering and Development Centre

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The role of engineers in the demand responsive approach: A case study from South Africa (A WEDC MSc study in International Development)

Author(s): Bos, Annette  |  Bos, J.J.  |  Smout, Ian (ed)

Publisher: WEDC
Place of publication: Loughborough University, UK
Year: 2001

Collection(s): WEDC Bookshop

Price: £19.95
ISBN: 9780906055861


The demand responsive approach (DRA) is advocated both internationally and in South Africa as the approach to ensure sustainable water services because communities are fully engaged in the project process. Although DRA is widely discussed, it has not been adopted in practice. The adoption of DRA can only happen if supply agencies, including technical consultants are able and willing to take a different role.

This study establishes the role of an ideal engineer in the demand responsive approach (DRA) along with the external factors which influence this role. The ideal and existing roles of the engineer and the external factors are compared and a gulf between these has been identified. Conclusions are drawn from this and the feasibility of adoption of DRA by engineers in South Africa has been analysed. The study is based on interviews with engineers.

Demand Responsive Approach (DRA)  |  DWAF  |  Engineers  |  Interviews  |  Mvula Trust  |  Research  |  South Africa