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Water Engineering and Development Centre

Illustrations and graphics


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Results 1 - 10 of 210: (Number of pages: 21)

  1. A stormwater drainage system (2018)
    Artist: Shaw, Rod
  2. BK011 Assessments occur throughout the project cycle (2014)
    Artist: Shaw, Rod
  3. CPD 2-6 Communicability and disease over time in one person (2013)
    Artist: Chatterton, Ken
  4. CPD 3-1 Model of immunity in a population (2013)
    Artist: Chatterton, Ken
  5. CPD 3-2 The epidemic incidence curve of a point-source outbreak of salmonellosis (2013)
    Artist: Chatterton, Ken
  6. CPD 3-3 The epidemic incidence curve of an extended point-source outbreak of cholera (2013)
    Artist: Chatterton, Ken
  7. CPD 3-4 The epidemic incidence curve of a propagated-source outbreak (2013)
    Artist: Chatterton, Ken
  8. CPD 4-1 Example of an organisational tree for planning a project (2013)
    Artist: Chatterton, Ken
  9. CPD 4-2 The project cycle (2013)
    Artist: Chatterton, Ken
  10. CPD 5-1 The implications of poor water availability (2013)
    Artist: Chatterton, Ken


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Search tips

  • The default operator is "OR" e.g., if you search for pit latrine this will be interpreted as pit OR latrine and will return results matching either "pit" or "latrine"
  • Use AND (case-sensitive) to search for two terms, e.g., pit AND latrine will return results which match both "pit" and "latrine"
  • To search for the exact phrase "pit latrine", enclose the phrase in quotation marks: "pit latrine"
  • Use NOT (case-sensitive) to exclude terms, e.g., sanitation NOT water will return results which match "sanitation" but exclude results that also match "water".
  • Use * for truncation, e.g., Project.MSc.* will return projects in the following series: Project.MSc.WEM, Project.MSc.WWE, etc.

Sorting tips

  • Relevance Descending: Most relevant at the top of the list
  • Date Descending: Most recent results at the top of the list
  • Title/Author Ascending: Sorted A – Z
  • Title/Author Descending: Sorted Z – A