Proceedings of the 43rd WEDC International Conference

Water and Climate Resilience

9-13 September 2024

Practical experiences of building climate resilience and water security

This event focuses on practical ways that WASH practitioners can build climate resilience and water security in climate hazard prone contexts.

The event is aimed at WASH practitioners working for government, NGOs and the private sector. The objective of the event is to engage participants in a discussion about what adaptation measures work, what doesn’t work and how best to engage at a multi-sector level to address complex hazards and vulnerabilities.

It will feature experiences from three countries (Burkina Faso, Bangladesh and Malawi) where practitioners have worked with government, civil society and private sector partners across different sectors (agriculture, livelihoods, environment and WASH) to design interventions that respond to climate hazards and vulnerabilities that undermine WASH resilience and water security.

The event will open up by engaging the audience in a brief discussion about what climate resilient WASH is. This will be followed by three short case study presentations that will focus on how climate resilience and water security can be achieved in different contexts. There will be an opportunity for Q&A and interactive reflection on different approaches.

The event will end with the launch of the new WaterAid, IRC, Water for People, WASH Systems Academy Climate Resilient WASH training course.

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