This session explores practical and applied pathways towards climate resilient urban sanitation from around the world, and invites participants to identify, share, and discuss feasible pathways towards climate resilience in their local contexts.
The session includes a series of live short presentations, followed by discussions in breakout groups.
During the session, we will explore sanitation as a key enabler of urban resilience and delve into pioneering examples of practical climate adaptation in urban sanitation from around the world. We will also discuss the Policy, Institutions, Regulatory, and Financing (PIRF) mechanisms that may facilitate climate resilient urban sanitation in different local contexts.
This session is for everyone interested in urban climate resilience and the enabling role of sanitation. We invite governments, private sector, civil societies, NGOs and academics to convene to collectively share and reflect on practical pathways towards climate resilient urban sanitation.
This session is relevant to those interested in urban sanitation and urban climate resilience, and will be particularly valuable for stakeholders playing an active role in urban sanitation governance and climate adaptation.
The audience will leave the session with the following learning outcomes: