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Results 1 - 10 of 13: (Number of pages: 2)

  1. Extension of the transitional support to the National Water Supply and Environmental Health Programme. Consolidation phase, January 2003 - June 2004. Project proposal (2002)
    National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply (Nam Saat)
  2. Handbook for Lao PDR rural water supply and sanitation sector strategy (2001)
    National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply (Nam Saat)
  3. Information kit for community dialogue on rural sanitation. 3A
    National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply (Nam Saat); Lao PDR, Ministry of Health
  4. Information kit for community dialogue on rural water supply. 4A
    National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply (Nam Saat); Lao PDR, Ministry of Health
  5. User's manual on informed choice for rural sanitation. 3B (2000)
    National Water Supply and Environmental Health Programme (Nam Saat); National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply; Lao PDR, Ministry of Health
  6. User's manual on informed choice for rural water supply. 4B (1999)
    National Water Supply and Environmental Health Programme (Nam Saat); National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply; Lao PDR, Ministry of Health
  7. Water, sanitation and environmental health in rural Lao PDR. KAP study (2001)
    Medlicott, Kate; UNICEF WES; National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply (Nam Saat); Lao People's Democratic Republic
  8. A step towards private sector involvement in WSS in Lao PDR. Report of Nam Saat study visit to Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 26 November - 1 December 2000 (2001)
    National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply (Nam Saat); National Water Supply and Environmental Health Programme (Nam Saat); Lao PDR, Ministry of Health
  9. Field methodology for the application of the Lao PDR RWSS sector strategy. A situation paper (2001)
    National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply (Nam Saat); National Water Supply and Environmental Health Programme (Nam Saat); Lao PDR, Ministry of Health
  10. Use and sustainability of past rural water supply and sanitation services in Lao PDR. A study of rural water supply and sanitation services in 38 villages of 8 provinces in Lao PDR. Final version. Presentations for the national consultation workshop, March 28, 2002 (2002)
    National Centre for Environmental Health and Water Supply (Nam Saat); Water and Sanitation Program - East Asia and Pacific; Lao People's Democratic Republic


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