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Water Engineering and Development Centre

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Results 1361 - 1370 of 3983: (Number of pages: 399)

  1. How to build and install gutters with splash guard (1992)
    Nissen-Peterson, Erik; ASAL Consultants
  2. How to build smaller water tanks and jars (volumes from 1.1 to 3.4 cubic metres) (1992)
    Nissen-Peterson, Kim; ASAL Consultants
  3. How to climate proof water and sanitation services in the peri-urban areas in Naivasha (2010)
    Heath, Tom; Parker, Alison; Weatherhead, Keith; Cranfield University; Water & Sanitation for the Urban Poor (WSUP)
  4. How to repair various types of water tanks (volumes from 2 to 80 cubic metres) (1992)
    Nissen-Peterson, Erik; ASAL Consultants
  5. How to use and maintain your pit latrine
    Drake, E.; Botswana Technical Centre
  6. HRBA & GESI Strategy & Action Plan. Human rights-based approach and gender equality & social inclusion in the water and sanitation sector. Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project in Western Nepal Phase II. Rural Village Water Resources Management Project Phase II (2015)
    Nepal, Ministry of Federal Affairs and Local Development; Nepal, Department of Local Infrastructure Development and Agricultural Roads (DoLIDAR)
  7. Hudco Assistance for Housing and Urban Development in States (1995)
  8. Hudco's financing pattern (1995)
  9. Hudco. A corporate profile (1995)
  10. Human excreta and gray water treatment in Japan: part 1: history (1994)
    International Environment Planning Center; University of Tokyo, Department of Urban Engineering


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