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Water Engineering and Development Centre

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Results 1641 - 1650 of 3983: (Number of pages: 399)

  1. Kumasi natural resource management research project: inception report: volume 1: main report (DFID Project R6799) (1997)
    Natural Resources Institute (NRI); University of Science and Technology Kumasi, Ghana; Blake, Barry; Kasanga, Kasim
  2. KWAHO experiences in water and sanitation 1980-1990 (1990)
    KWAHO; Kenya Water for Health Organization (KWAHO)
  3. Kweneng district self-help environmental sanitation project: baseline survey (1985)
    Land, T.; Raditloaneng, W.
  4. Kweneng district self-help environmental sanitation project: baseline survey (1985)
    Land, T.; Raditloaneng, W.
  5. L'Algerie: volontarisme etatique et amenagement du territoire (1986)
    Brule, Jean Claude; Fontaine, Jacques
  6. L'irrigation privee au Burkina Faso:importance-rentabilite-perspectives de developpement (Travaux de Recherche Developpement) (small-scale irrigation in Burkina Faso) (1991)
    Debris, Thierry
  7. La deferrisation des eaux de forage: synthese des techniques experimentees avec succes par la CREPA [iron removal from borehole water: review of successful experimental techniques by CREPA] - document technique no 1 - 1996 (1996)
    Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a faible cout (CREPA)
  8. La energ?a al servicio del sector rural. A: Cartilla del evaluacion tecnologica. 1: (1990)
    Hadzich, Miguel; Valverde, Quino; Canziani, Franco; Chavez, David; Pontificia Universidad Catolica del Peru; Departamento de Ingenieria
  9. La letrina solar [architectural plans] (1996)
  10. La letrina solar. Guia de educacion sanitaria
    United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF)


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