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Results 2751 - 2760 of 3983: (Number of pages: 399)

  1. Rural sanitation project LES/82/007: rural household survey (baseline data): 2 (1984)
    Evans, Philip A.
  2. Rural sanitation project LES/82/007: rural household survey (baseline data): pilot sites 3 & 4 (1985)
    Evans, P.A.
  3. Rural sanitation project LES/82/007: rural household survey (baseline data): pilot sites 3 & 4 (1985)
    Evans, P.A.
  4. Rural sanitation project: proceedings of the participatory approaches training workshop held in Leribe from 26th January-4th February 1987 (1987)
    Lesotho, Ministry of Health and Interior
  5. Rural ventilated improved pit latrines: a field manual for Botswana (1983)
    TAG Technical Note No 8; Nostrand, John Van; Wilson, J.G.; International Drinking Water Supply and Sanitation Decade, Botswana
  6. Rural village water supply : Sebina / Nshakashokwe final design report (1990)
    Nad-Kali Associates (Pty) Ltd; Botswana, Department of Water Affairs
  7. Rural village water supply Lot IV: definite preliminary design report: the river villages: Mabalane, Sikwane, Mathobudukwane, Ramonaka, Malolwane (1992)
    Arup Botswana (Consulting Engineers); Botswana, Department of Water Affairs
  8. Rural Water and Sanitation East Uganda Project (1990)
    RUWASA Rural Water and Sanitation East Uganda Project; DANIDA Danish International Development Agency
  9. Rural Water and Sanitation East Uganda Project. Plan of operation report. Vol 1: plan of operation (1990)
    WDD-Danida; Carl Bro International; Centre for Development Research; DanEduc Consulting
  10. Rural Water and Sanitation East Uganda Project. Plan of operation report. Vol 2: data (1990)
    WDD-Danida; Carl Bro International; Centre for Development Research; DanEduc Consulting


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