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Water Engineering and Development Centre

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Results 21 - 30 of 180: (Number of pages: 18)

  1. Rural water supply and sanitation programme: Matale and Polannaruwa districts: consolidation phase: deepwell handpump (modified India Mk 2) care and maintenance manual (1989)
    Kampsax-Kruger; DANIDA Danish International Development Agency
  2. Rural water supply and sanitation programme: Matale and Polannaruwa districts: consolidation phase: India Mk II deepwell handpump modified (1989)
    Kampsax-Kruger; Danish International Devlelopment Agency
  3. Rural water supply and sanitation programme: Matale and Polannaruwa districts: consolidation phase: India Mk II deepwell handpump modified: procedures adopted and experience gained in handpump installation operation and maintenance (1989)
    Kampsax-Kruger; Danish International Devlelopment Agency
  4. Rural water supply and sanitation programme: Matale and Polonnaruwa districts: implementation phase: deepwell hand pump (modified India mark 2): care and maintenance manual (1987)
    Kampsax-Kruger; DANIDA Danish International Development Agency; Sri Lanka, National Water Supply and Drainage Board
  5. Support to the rural water supply and sanitation sector in Matale, Polannaruwa and Anuradnapura districts: phase 1: report No D6: durability of the modified Indian Mk II: estimates regarding service life and future spare part consumption, based on analysis of o & m data from 115 installations in Tamankaduwa Pradeshiya Sabha (1989)
    Kampsax-Kruger; DANIDA Danish International Development Agency
  6. Consumer drivers and barriers of WASH products use in rural Ethiopia * (2018)
    Girma, Woldemariam
  7. Development of a water pump based on a car tyre (1985)
    Kabumu, D.M.
  8. Handwashing campaign design following a systematic framework * (2021)
    Kharal, Laxman
  9. Introducing hygiene elements into sanitation monitoring * (2013)
    Craven, Joanne
  10. Poster 036: Pumping principles * (2013)
    Shaw, Rod; Chatterton, Ken; McMahon, Glenda


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource