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Water Engineering and Development Centre

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Results 21 - 28 of 28: (Number of pages: 3)

  1. Does women's involvement in leadership of water management committees improve the sustainability of rural water supply systems in Kenya? [Distance Learning] (2016)
    Mlimilwa, Daudi
  2. Community-based quantitative groundwater monitoring in rural villages: case study Burkina Faso (2012)
    Philippe, Sterenn
  3. Operation and maintenance of rural water supply facilities in the Eastern Province of Rwanda (2016)
    Munakata, Atsushi
  4. Community managed rural water supplies in Alebtong and Kole Districts in Northern Uganda (2016)
    McQueen, Ross
  5. Handbook for community-based water supply organizations. Multi-Village Pooling Project in Indonesia * (2011)
    Water and Sanitation Program (WSP); Indonesia, Ministry of Public Works; National Development Planning Agency
  6. Identifying and supporting vulnerable people in community led total sanitation, particularly in Bangladesh (2010)
    Fawzi, Ammar
  7. Integration of village savings and loans scheme with collection and management of use charges for operation and maintenance of hand pump[Distance Learning] (2014)
    Komakech, Wilfred
  8. Water, health and development. An interdisciplinary evaluation (1978)
    Feachem, Richard; Burns, Elizabeth; Cairncross, Sandy; Cronin, Aron; Cross, Piers; Curtis, Donald; Khan, M. Khalid; Lamb, Douglas; Southall, Hilary


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource