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Results 3711 - 3720 of 3983: (Number of pages: 399)

  1. Waste management and recycling in Seoul City (2001)
    South Korea, Office of Environment, Waste Management Division
  2. Waste management Botswana. Paper, glass, packaging waste. Report no. 30 (1998)
    Republic of Botswana; National Conservation Strategy (Co-ordinating) Agency; German Agency for Technical Cooperation (GTZ)
  3. Wastewater master plan for the city of Maputo: part 1B summary (Drenagem e depuracao das aguas rediduais da cidade do Maputo: plano geral: tomo 1A resumo) (1984)
    DHV Consulting Engineers; Mozambique, Ministerio da Construcao e Aguas; Mozambique, Direccao Nacional de Aguas
  4. Wastewater rate study and five year financial plan volume II - appendices Cairo Sewerage II Project Institutional Support Contract (ISC) USAID (1994)
    Ernst & Young; CH2M/OMI; General Organization for Sanitary Drainage (GOSD) for Greater Cairo
  5. Wastewater regulatory control in England - lessons learned for regulation in Shanghai. A research project report submitted as part of a five month individual training programme for staff of the Shanghai Municipal Bureau of Affairs (2005)
    Zhang, Xin
  6. Wastewater treatment and disposal in Mauritius: a study of current practices and proposals for future development (Research Report) (1991)
    Parr, Jeremy
  7. Water & sanitation assessment of home-based care clients in Malawi * (2006)
    Lockwood, Kathryn; Msapato, Kwame; Senefeld, Shannon; Nogi, Jill; Perrin, Paul; Mtika, Martin; WHO World Health Organization; Catholic Relief Services (CRS); USAID US Agency for International Development
  8. Water & sanitation assessment of home-based care clients in Zambia * (2006)
    Kangamba, Maric; Roberts, Cindy; Campbell, James; Service, John; Adalla, Cecilia; WHO World Health Organization; Catholic Relief Services (CRS); USAID US Agency for International Development
  9. Water - reticulation, treatment, storage: updated design procedures and criteria for small supply schemes and township services (1990)
    Swedish Association of Local Authorities (SALA)
  10. Water Act Chapter 20:22 (1996)
    Zimbabwe, Government of


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource