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Results 31 - 40 of 58: (Number of pages: 6)

  1. Cost recovery for rural water supply. Minutes of regional workshop for Omusati and Oshana Regions, 24 - 25 July 1996, Mrlgh Office Complex, Oshakati (supported by GTZ) (1996)
    Namibia, Department of Water Affairs; Namibia, Directorate of Rural Water Supply
  2. Providing water services. Poster A: framework for institutional arrangement. Poster B: options for water services provision
    South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry; Republic of South Africa
  3. Rural village water supply : Sebina / Nshakashokwe final design report (1990)
    Nad-Kali Associates (Pty) Ltd; Botswana, Department of Water Affairs
  4. Water and Sanitation Policy: White Paper. Water - an indivisible national asset (1994)
    South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry; Republic of South Africa
  5. A guide for the health related assessment of the quality of water supplies (1996)
    South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry; South Africa, Department of Health
  6. Community-based organisations as water services providers. Guideline. Version 1 (2001)
    Network Community Development Services; South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry
  7. Feasibility study on water supply to the Oshivelp-Omutsegwonime-Okankolo Area and the related enviromental assessment: Namibia (Progress Report No 5) (1999)
    Namibia, Ministry of Agriculture Water and Rural Develpment; Namibia, Department of Water Affairs
  8. Improving, a step at a time: a report on traditional source improvement and a review of the hardware of a drinking water project (1998)
    Borstlap, Leonie; International Agricultural College, Larenstein; Zambia, Department of Water Affairs
  9. Department of Water Affairs and Forestry. Annual report 1997 - 1998 (1998)
    Cosser, Elaine; South Africa, Department of Water Affairs and Forestry; Republic of South Africa
  10. Review of the Extension Service. Draft report. File number: 3/7/8; Reoprt number 2 (CBM) (1998)
    Namibia, Department of Water Affairs; Namibia, Directorate of Rural Water Supply; Namibia, Republic of


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