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Results 431 - 440 of 544: (Number of pages: 55)

  1. Faisalabad Area Upgrading Project. Parks deveopment in Shadab Colony, Faisalabad, Pakistan (June 2001) (2001)
    Alam, S. M. Khatib; Mahmood, Zahid; Faisalabad Area Upgrading Project (FAUP); DFID; Faisalabad Development Authority; GHK International Ltd
  2. Jigawa State plan of action for the survival, development, protection and participation of children and women (1999-2001) (1999)
  3. Mind the gap! From relief to development: a case study from the Western Sahara refugee camps (2009)
    Sagues Esteban, Daniel
  4. Motivation of local government staff in the context of decentralisation and capacity development in Uganda (2005)
    Muenchenbach, M.A.
  5. National water strategy for Ethiopia [UNDP/DESA/MoWR Project: ETH/98/001] (2001)
    Ethiopia, Ministry of Water Resources
  6. Needs assessment to achieve universal access to improved hygiene and sanitation by 2012. Final draft, Nov 20th, 2006 (2006)
    Ethiopia, Ministry of Health; Ethiopia, Ministry of Water Resources; Ethiopia, Ministry of Education; Ethiopia, Ministry of Urban Development; European Union Water Initiative (EUWI); CRDA Water Working Group
  7. Principles and practices for the inclusion of disabled people in access to safe sanitation: a case study from Ethiopia * (2011)
    Wilbur, Jane
  8. Proposal for a master plan of water resource development North Eastern State (1971)
    Nigeria, Federal republic of. Government of the North Eastern State; Kermit Roosevelt Group; Louis Berger, Inc; Roscoe Moss Company; Kermit Roosevelt and Associates, Inc
  9. Small-scale private sector participation in Niassa, Mozambique. New rules, new roles. Does PSP benefit the poor? * (2003)
    WaterAid; Tearfund
  10. Strengthening the enabling environment for urban sanitation: public-private collaboration in Kisumu, Kenya * (2018)
    Owako, Emanuel


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource