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Water Engineering and Development Centre

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Results 51 - 60 of 88: (Number of pages: 9)

  1. Sustainability in guineaworm eradication programme * (1995)
    Braide, Eka I
  2. Teaching materials for appropriate sanitation in Nigeria (1986)
    Dibal, I.A.
  3. The design of waste stabilisation ponds * (1980)
    Fraser, J I
  4. The role of the engineer in health education (missing) (1982)
    Idowu, I.B.
  5. Visualisation of problems and solutions to ensure access to water resource * (2008)
    Poolman, M I
  6. Wellscreens made from drilled PVC pipe (1990)
    Audi, John I.
  7. Achieving sustainable sanitation: Lessons from tsunami reconstruction in Sri Lanka * (2006)
    Navaratne, M A I B
  8. Maintenance of water supply system (1981)
    Mbruk, D.I.U.
  9. NGOs, women and community water * (1991)
    Bassir, Dr I B
  10. Over exploitation: a critical groundwater problem * (2002)
    Maggirwar I, B C


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource