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Results 51 - 60 of 74: (Number of pages: 8)

  1. Support to the rural water supply and sanitation sector in Matale, Polonnaruwa, and Anuradhapura Districts, phase II: Performance of iron removal plants in the project area (1991)
    Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of, National Water Supply and Drainag; Danish Development Agency
  2. Support to the rural water supply and sanitation sector in Matale, Polonnaruwa, and Anuradhapura Districts, phase II: Report no. A21 villagesanitation survey of 629 households carried out in Matale District during April 1991 (1991)
    Sri Lanka, Democratic Socialist Republic of, National Water Supply and Drainag; Danish Development Agency
  3. Details of the factors affecting the progress of the rehabilitation of piped water supplies: rural water supply and sanitation programme Matale and Polonnaruwa districts (1989)
    Kampsax-Kruger; Danida; Danish International Development Agency; Sri Lanka, National Water Supply and Drainage Board
  4. Draft plan of operation for use at the planning workshop: rural water supply and sanitation programme Matale and Polonnaruwa districts (1989)
    Kampsax-Kruger; Danida; Danish International Development Agency; Sri Lanka, National Water Supply and Drainage Board
  5. Environmental assessment: water supply facilities for Pottuvil, Arugam Bay and Panama * (2007)
    Sri Lanka Tsunami Reconstruction Program (SLTRP); USAID US Agency for International Development; CH2MHILL
  6. Gravity map of Sri Lanka - 1:1 000 000 (1982)
    Geological Survey Department Professional Paper No 3; Hatherton, T.; Sri Lanka, Ministry of Industries and Scientific Affairs
  7. Inventory of existing pipe borne water supply schemes in Matale and Polonnaruwa (report no A11): rural water supply and sanitation programme Matale and Polonnaruwa districts (1988)
    Kampsax-Kruger; Danida; Danish International Development Agency; Sri Lanka, National Water Supply and Drainage Board
  8. Programme for operation and maintenance of water supply schemes 1988-1991: rural water supply and sanitation programme Matale and Polonnaruwa districts (1989)
    Kampsax-Kruger; Danida; Danish International Development Agency; Sri Lanka, National Water Supply and Drainage Board
  9. Rehabilitation of gravity schemes - preliminary surveys: rural water supply and sanitation programme Matale and Polonnaruwa districts (1987)
    Kampsax-Kruger; Danida; Danish International Development Agency; Sri Lanka, National Water Supply and Drainage Board
  10. Rural water supply and sanitation programme: Matale and Polonnaruwa districts: consolidation phase: high chloride wells: investigations on tube wells in Polonnaruwa district (1988)
    Kampsax-Kruger; DANIDA Danish International Development Agency; Sri Lanka, National Water Supply and Drainage Board


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