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Results 71 - 80 of 97: (Number of pages: 10)

  1. A report on nitrate contamination of groundwaters in some populated areas of Botswana
    Botswana, Department of Geological Survey; Botswana, Ministry of Mineral Resources and Water Affairs; Hutton, L.G.; Lewis, W.J.; Skinner, A.C.
  2. Annual sector review of the Botswana rural village water supply programme (1987)
    Botswana, Department of Water Affairs; SIDA Swedish International Development Authority
  3. National rural sanitation programme cost analysis - final report (1990)
    Botswana, Republic of. Ministry of Local Government and Lands; Maendeleo Development
  4. Rural village water supply : Sebina / Nshakashokwe final design report (1990)
    Nad-Kali Associates (Pty) Ltd; Botswana, Department of Water Affairs
  5. Water hygiene, environmental sanitation and the control of diarrhoeal diseases in Botswana: a knowledge, attitudes and practices study (1991)
    Botswana, Republic of. Ministry of Health; Botswana,Republic of. Ministry of Local Government and Lands; SIAPAC - Africa; Social Impact Assessment and Policy Analysis Corporation
  6. Botswana rural sanitation costs and tariff study. Final report (1989)
    Botswana, Republic of, Ministry of Local Government and Lands; Interconsult, Sweden AB
  7. Climate of Botswana. Part II: elements of climate (1987)
    Bhalotra, Y.P.R.; Botswana, republic of. Department of Meteorological Services
  8. Domestic water legislation: final report (1983)
    SIDA Swedish International Development Authority; Botswana, Ministry of Mineral Resources and Water Affairs
  9. Groundwater resources map of the Republic of Botswana 1987 51 x 43 ins (1987)
    Botswana, Republic of Geological Survey Department, Lobatse; Hoyer, M. von; Struckmeir, W.
  10. Western Ngwakelse project: Department of Geological Survey (1976)
    Gale, Ian N.; Botswana, Ministry of Mineral Resources and Water Affairs, Department of Agric


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