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Results 81 - 90 of 180: (Number of pages: 18)

  1. Feasibility Study Guidelines - Volta Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project (1996)
    Ghana Water and Sewerage Corporation (GWSC); Danish International Development Agency (DANIDA); Volta Rural Water Supply and Sanitation Project
  2. Fiches techniques des ouvrages d'Approvisionnement en Eau Potable et d'Assainissement (AEPA) (technical notes on strucures for AEPA) - document technique no 2 - 1996 (1996)
    Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a faible cout (CREPA)
  3. Groundwater in copper belt provinces (1985)
    Mbewe, I.J.
  4. Hygiene and sanitation practices in pastoralist communities of Kotiodo District - Uganda [Distance Learning] (2006)
    Goyol, Kitka
  5. Infiltration well technology for handpumps in the Himalayas (drinking water & sanitation for village-level implementation) (1996)
    Rees, D.G.T.; Ashram, Sri Aurobindo; Trust, Kassar
  6. Karonga Lakeshore Integrated Rural Groundwater Supply Project: Community Management after Project Completion (1998)
    Kleemeier, E
  7. Learning from experience: evaluation of UNICEF's water and environmental sanitation programme in India, 1966-1998 (2000)
    UNICEF Evaluation Office
  8. School sanitation and hygiene education. Situation analysis, Republic of Maldives (2002)
    Maldives Water and Sanitation Authority; Maldives, Ministry of Education; UNICEF Maldives
  9. The development of hand augured tube wells in Southern Maputaland (1999)
    Deverill, Paul; Nash, Stephen; Still, David; The Mvula Trust; European Union
  10. The problem of handwashing and paying for water in South Africa (2007)
    Haffejee, Farhaad; Chopra, Mickey; Sanders, David


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