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Water Engineering and Development Centre

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Results 71 - 80 of 3427: (Number of pages: 343)

  1. Evidence-based emergency response to Covid-19: using data to inform hygiene behaviour change interventions * (2021)
    Gautam, Dr Om Prasad
  2. Exploring governance dimensions of private sector engagement in rural water provision in Uganda * (2021)
    Quijada Landaverde, Rafael
  3. Facilitating participatory learning and sharing remotely: experiences from a multi-country, multi-partner pilot * (2021)
    Coultas, Mimi
  4. Facilitating urban water utility reform in Taraba, Nigeria: where to start? * (2021)
    Istandar, Arijanto
  5. Factors which facilitate the use of data to improve small drinking-water supplies * (2021)
    Herschan, Jo
  6. Faith in the times of corona: behaviour change communication with faith actors in displacement settings * (2021)
    Krishnan, Sneha
  7. Fecal sludge treatment plants implementation: quality assurance at scale in Tamil Nadu, India * (2021)
    Eswaramurthy, Sasikumar
  8. Female-friendly public and community toilets: findings from four country pilot assessments and next steps for the sector * (2021)
    Nath, Priya
  9. Freshwater lens assessment of Karst Island water resources: towards an inter-disciplinary protocol * (2021)
    DiFilippo, Robert
  10. Future imperfect: waste management in India and pathways to sustainable policy frameworks * (2021)
    Prabhakar, Ashish


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource