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Water Engineering and Development Centre

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Results 11 - 20 of 24: (Number of pages: 3)

  1. Improving sustainability of WASH in healthcare facilities (HCFs) in Malawi: evolving the Circuit Rider Approach * (2021)
    Gilbert, Nancy
  2. Methodological challenges of measuring impacts of WASH on educational and health outcomes * (2018)
    Agol, Dorice
  3. Sanitation in Ugandan hospitals: assessment, priorities and options (2008)
    Dyer, Kit
  4. Investing in children. Master Plan of Operations of the Royal Government of Cambodia/UNICEF Country Programme of Cooperation 2001 - 2005 (2001)
    Cambodia, Ministry of Planning; UNICEF Cambodia
  5. Management of waste from district hospitals: reducing risks based on case study of the Hosanna Hospital in Ethiopi (2012)
    Gebre, Michael H.
  6. Faisalabad Area Upgrading Project. A review of the project 1994 - 1999 (1999)
    Khan, Atta Ullah; Alam, S. M. Khatib; Faisalabad Area Upgrading Project (FAUP); Project Management Unit; GHK International Ltd
  7. PIHS Pakistan Integrated Household Survey. Round 2: 1996-97 (1999)
    Federal Bureau of statistics; Government of Pakistan, Statistics Division
  8. UNICEF follw-up survey of households in [Community Action for Social Development] CASD villages May-June 2000 (2000)
    Kenefick, Eric; UNICEF Cambodia
  9. Bangladesh: study of non-state providers of basic services *
    Chowdhury, Alamgir Farouk; Delay, Simon; Faiz, Naushad; Haider, Iftekher; Reed, Brian; Rose, Pauline; Sen, Priti Dave; University of Birmingham, School of Public Policy; University of Birmingham, International Development Department; IHSD/DFID Health Systems Resource Centre; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM); Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC); University of Sussex, Centre for International Education
  10. India: desk study of non-state providers of basic services *
    Nair, Padmaja; University of Birmingham, School of Public Policy; University of Birmingham, International Development Department; London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine (LSHTM); Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC); University of Sussex, Centre for International Education


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource