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Water Engineering and Development Centre

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Results 41 - 50 of 75: (Number of pages: 8)

  1. The requirements for the institution of a user fee system in a watershed context (2004)
    Bautista, Germelino M.; USAID US Agency for International Development; US Agency for International Development (USAID); US, Department of Environment and Natural Resouces; Philippine Environmental Governance (EcoGov)
  2. Philippine Environment Governance 2 Project (EcoGov 2). Septage management in the Philippines: current practices and lessons learned * (2007)
    Bowyer, Jeffrey; Development Alternatives Inc; USAID US Agency for International Development
  3. The second feasibility study of Dagat Dagatan and regional centres: final report (1979)
    Philippines, National Housing Authority
  4. Assessment of water resources and water demand by user sectors in the Philippines (ST/ESCAP/1949) (1999)
    United Nations Economic and Social Commission for Asia and the Pacific (ESCAP)
  5. Leakage control programme of the metropolitan water works and sewerage system, metro-Manila, Philippines (1982)
    Hilario, Al.C.
  6. Tackling the urban waste and food crises simultaneously and sustainably - examples from the Philippines and Burkina Faso * (2009)
    Bracken, P
  7. The role of local institutions in reducing vulnerability to recurrent natual disasters and in sustainable livelihoods development in high risk areas. Case study * (2003)
    Asian Disaster Preparedness Center (ADPC)
  8. Barrio Escopa. Experiences with an integrated approach to improving a low-income urban community (HS/25/83/E) (1988)
    UNCHS - Habitat; United Nations Centre for Human Settlements (Habitat)
  9. Exit strategies: making the benefits of WASH interventions last. Four small case studies from one agency compared with complementary data [Distance Learning] (2012)
    Vliet, Jan van
  10. Philippine regulations on sanitation and wastewater systems (2006)
    Magtibay, Bonifacio B.


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource