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Results 1 - 10 of 17: (Number of pages: 2)

  1. Manuel sur la construction, l'exploitation et l'entretien de la latrine amelioree a double fosses ventilees (VIP) type dagnoin (1994)
    Centre Regional pour l'Eau Potable et l'Assainissement a faible cout (CREPA)
  2. Poster 017: Twin-pit ventilated, improved pit latrines * (2013)
    Shaw, Rod; McMahon, Glenda
  3. Sanitation: a construct-it-yourself manual on VIP latrine (a supporting manual to findings from WaterAid (GH)'s research) (1991)
    Anti, Frederick Adu; WaterAid Training Materials Unit (WATMU)
  4. Evaluation of latrine technology - two village projects and other tests, Bangladesh (1983)
    DPHE; United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF); WHO World Health Organization
  5. Poster 015: Ventilated, improved pit latrines (VIP latrines) * (2013)
    Shaw, Rod
  6. Project implementation manual for use by project communities [Zambia]. Volume 2 (1994)
    Collinson, Barbara; Sythes, Boyd; Masdar Zambia Ltd; Tdau, Unza; Zambia, Government of the Republic of; National Commission for Development Planning; Microprojects Unit
  7. Buiding school VIPs: guidelines for the deign and construction of ventilated improved pit toilets and associated facilities for schools (1998)
    Deverill, P.A.; Still, D.A.; Partners in Development
  8. Design manual 6: guidelines for latrine selection and construction ( USAID Sri Lanka Project 383-0088) (1988)
    Sri Lanka, Ministry of Local Government, Housing and Construction; Sri Lanka, National Water Supply and Drainage Board
  9. Poster 016: Spiral VIP latrines * (2013)
    Shaw, Rod; McMahon, Glenda
  10. G027: Ventilated improved pit (VIP) latrines * (2014)
    Reed, Bob; Scott, Rebecca; Shaw, Rod


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource