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Water Engineering and Development Centre

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Results 21 - 30 of 39: (Number of pages: 4)

  1. Development of community based arsenic & iron removal unit for rural water supply system (2005)
    Ahmed, Farooque; ITN - Bangladesh
  2. Partnership approach in water and sanitation. SDC-WatSan Partnership Project (2003)
    Motaleb, Abdul; Ferdausi, Shakil Ahmed; Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  3. Water quality improvement in Nepal: a game changer for SDG 6.1 * (2021)
    Ahmad, Tameez
  4. Groundwater vulnerability to geogenic contaminants: a case study, Tanzania * (2013)
    Shedafa, Michael
  5. The security of deep groundwater in Southeast Bangladesh: recommendations for policy to safeguard against arsenic and salinity intrusion [EPSRC/UCL-BEAMS Knowledge Transfer Project] * (2013)
    University College London (UCL); Burgess, William; Shamsudduha, Mohammad
  6. Arsenic mitigation. Action research findings. Alternative options (01-04). Rainwater harvesting (01). Remodeled open dug-well (02).Covered dug-well (03). Rope pump technology (04). Arsenic treatment technology (05-10). Two bucket unit (TBU) (05). Solar oxidation and removal of arsenic (SORAS) (06). Safi filter (07). Pitcher method filter (08). Alcan filter (09). Shapla filter (10). Bacteria removal technology (11-12). Solar disinfection (SODIS) (11). Terracotta filter (12). Piloting (13). Rural piped water supply piloting (13). WatSan Partnership Project (2003)
    Ferdausi, Shakil Ahmed; Al-Mahmud, Abdullah; Motaleb, Abdul; Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC)
  7. Locally-affordable arsenic remediation for rural South Asia using electrocoagulation * (2011)
    Addy, Susan
  8. Participatory management of low-cost water supply and sanitation. Participants' notes (2008)
    Ahmed, M. Feroze; Jahan, Hasin; International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management
  9. Participatory management of low-cost water supply and sanitation. Participants' notes (2000)
    Ahmed, M. Feroze; Jahan, Hasin; International Training Network Centre for Water Supply and Waste Management
  10. Bangladesh environment 2002 Vol 1. A compilation of technical papers of the 2nd international conference on Bangladesh environment (ICBEN-2002) (2002)
    Ahmed, M. Feroze; Tanveer, Saleh A.; Badruzzaman, A.B.M.


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource