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Water Engineering and Development Centre

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Results 31 - 40 of 40: (Number of pages: 4)

  1. Water pollution control strategy for Oromia Regional State, Ethiopia (1998)
    Ebba, Rahel K.
  2. Bangladesh. Environment: facing the 21st century (1998)
    Gain, Philip
  3. Suitability of anaerobic processes for small island developing states - case study Jamaica (1998)
    Harms, Claudia
  4. Arsenic contamination: Bangladesh perspective (2007)
    Ahmed, M. Feroze
  5. Pakistan water quality mapping and management project. Scoping study - draft final report May 2001 (2001)
    Chilton, P.J; Jamieson, D.; Abid, M.S.; Milne, C.J.; Ince, M.E.; Aziz, J.A.
  6. Study of standards and cost of infrastructure and shelter in Botswana. Final report. Volume 1 (1990)
    Colquhoun, Brian, O'Donnell, Hugh and Partners; USAID US Agency for International Development; UNCHS; Botswana: Ministry of Local Government and Lands
  7. Study of standards and cost of infrastructure and shelter in Botswana. Final report. Volume 2 (1990)
    Colquhoun, Brian, O'Donnell, Hugh and Partners; USAID US Agency for International Development; UNCHS; Botswana: Ministry of Local Government and Lands
  8. Drinking water quality surveillance and monitoring in Lao PDR. Report on DWQM and laboratory equipment and facilities (2002)
    Ince, Margaret; Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)
  9. An innovative framework for embedding knowledge management in an organisation: a manager's perspective * (2017)
    Harries, Kathryn
  10. Timor Leste rural water supply guidelines. Section 1 Principles, standards and criteria. Section 2 Project cycle and community management process. Section 3 Technological options and standards. Section 4 Documentation requirements. Section 5 Standard drawings [ring binder with CDROM] (2010)
    Timor-Leste Ministerio das Infra-Estruturas; Australian Government Aid Program


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource