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Results 11 - 20 of 23: (Number of pages: 3)

  1. Partnerships to improve access and quality of public transport - A case report: Colombo, Sri Lanka * (2003)
    SEVANATHA Urban Resource Centre; Sohail, M.
  2. Partnerships to improve access and quality of public transport: Guidelines and compilation CD * (2003)
    Sohail, M.; Mitlin, D.; Maunder, D.A.C.
  3. Project implementation manual for use by project communities [Zambia]. Volume 1 (1994)
    Collinson, Barbara; Sythes, Boyd; Zambia, Government of the Republic of; National Commission for Development Planning; Microprojects Unit
  4. Reduction of road accidents in the N.W.F.P. Pakistan (1991)
    Khan, Riaz Ali
  5. Annual plan 1990-91 - economic framework and public sector development programme (1990)
    Pakistan, Government of, Planning Commission
  6. Partnerships to improve access and quality of public transport - A case report: Faisalabad, Pakistan * (2003)
    Khan, Atta Ullah; Hassan, Wajid; Sohail, M.
  7. Statistical pocket book of Bangladesh 1984-85 (1985)
    Bangladesh: Bureau of Statistics
  8. Statement of development policies 1987-1996 (1988)
    Malawi, Republic of
  9. Partnerships to improve access and quality of public transport - A case report: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania * (2003)
    Kombe, W.; Kyessi, A.; Lupala, J.; Mgonja, E.; University College of Lands and Architectural Studies, Tanzania; Sohail, M.
  10. Understanding Karachi: planning and reform for the future (1999)
    Hasan, Arif; Younus, Muhammad; Zaidi, S.Akbar


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource