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Water Engineering and Development Centre

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Results 111 - 120 of 3700: (Number of pages: 370)

  1. Lessons from India in solid waste management: Based on material collected and developed by study fellows and tutors on courses conducted by WEDC in conjunction with AIILSG, Mumbai, India * (1997)
    Coad, Adrian
  2. Managing the pipe dreams: Resources for the management of urban water services for all consumer groups - a CD compilation of a series of WEDC publications (2004)
    Sansom, Kevin
  3. Maximizing the benefits from water and environmental sanitation: Proceedings of the 31st WEDC Conference, Speke Resort Conference Centre, Munyonyo, Kampala, Uganda, October 2005 (2005)
    Kayaga, Sam
  4. On-plot sanitation in low-income urban communities: A review of the literature * (1995)
    Cotton, Andrew; Franceys, Richard; Pickford, John; Saywell, Darren
  5. Partnerships to improve access and quality of public transport - A case report: Colombo, Sri Lanka * (2003)
    SEVANATHA Urban Resource Centre; Sohail, M.
  6. Partnerships to improve access and quality of public transport - A case report: Dar es Salaam, Tanzania * (2003)
    Kombe, W.; Kyessi, A.; Lupala, J.; Mgonja, E.; University College of Lands and Architectural Studies, Tanzania; Sohail, M.
  7. Partnerships to improve access and quality of public transport - A case report: Faisalabad, Pakistan * (2003)
    Khan, Atta Ullah; Hassan, Wajid; Sohail, M.
  8. Planning for water and waste in hot countries. Proceedings of the 3rd WEDC Conference (Sep 1976) * (1976)
    Pickford, John
  9. PPP and the Poor: Case Study - Revisiting Queenstown, South Africa * (2005)
    Palmer Development Group; Sohail, M.
  10. Rural water and engineering development in Africa. Proceedings of the 13th WEDC Conference, Malawi (6-10 Apr 1987) * (1988)
    Water, Engineering and Development Centre (WEDC)


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* indicates the search result has a link to an online resource